Winter SuperBlend Sale!
For a limited time, get 15% off all Winter SuperBlend products while they last. That's an additional 5% off for DSC Members. This promotion is good in-store or online (no promo code needed). It's getting warmer these days, but this is still a great food for your feathered friends!
This discount applies to Winter SuperBlend seed and seed cylinders and you be available until it is gone. Get yours today!
Add Hot Pepper Foods to Help Deter Squirrels and Other Critters
In the world of backyard bird feeding, squirrels (and other critters) can either entertain or exasperate. If you lean towards exasperation, we’ve got the perfect solution: our hot pepper bird foods. Birds love 'em, critters don't! Shop now and save on hot pepper foods to help you regain control of your backyard.
New! Fiery Feast is now available in 20 lb. bags. Pick up in-store or shop online!
Feeding the birds is fun, but sometimes those pesky squirrels and other critters can put a damper on things. That's why we offer the widest variety of hot pepper bird foods available anywhere, including our exclusive Fiery Feast® blend. Birds love it, but the critters will shy away. Shop our hot pepper foods and keep the critters away from your bird feeders.
Shop today for for bird houses!
It's time to prepare your yard for a new generation of birds and the joy that comes with them. Birds with reliable access to feeders often lay their eggs earlier and have better survival rates and fledging success than later ones.
Bluebirds always bring a smile. Even though early pioneers' use of the land resulted in habitat changes that left bluebird numbers in steep decline by the mid-1960s. Recognizing the issue, countless people began building nest boxes across the land, much to the benefit of bluebirds. Today, they are commonplace, not only in the countryside, but also in urban backyards.
Throw a Party for Your Cardinals. We'll Bring the Confetti!
Whether your yard is covered with a beautiful blanket of snow or it's just a drab winter's day, a visit from a Northern Cardinal always brightens the mood. Offer our exclusive Cardinal Confetti™ Blend formulated to attract cardinals, Pyrrhuloxia, and a variety of other birds. It's loaded with high-fat seeds, Bark Butter® Bits, dried mealworms and peanuts. Shop now for foods and feeders from our Cardinal Collection and get the party started!
Find you Cardinal Confetti products here:
March Nature Happenings
Project FeederWatch continues,
• Song Sparrows can be seen feeding on the ground.
• Listen for the following to begin their courtship rituals during the month: Barred Owls, Screech Owls, White-Breasted Nuthatches, Northern Cardinals, Blue Jays, Downy Woodpeckers, Crows, and Bluebirds.
• Wild Turkeys begin gobbling with males strutting and looking for mates.
• Phoebes and Fox Sparrows begin to arrive, along with Tree Swallows, Red-winged Blackbirds, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, and Grackles.
• Look for the Phoebe wagging their tail from prominent, but low branches.
• Male Indigo Buntings begin to appear in the region.
• Woodpeckers are establishing their nesting territories by drumming. Don’t be alarmed if a male begins drumming on your gutters and drain spouts, that is how they attract females.
• Purple Martin scouts return by the middle of the month; be sure to have your houses ready. Do you need another Purple Martin House? We have them!
• Bluebirds stake out their territory. Be sure to have their houses ready. Bluebirds become more widespread and begin mating late in month. Attract them with nesting boxes and mealworms.
• Woodcocks are doing courtship flights. Look for them at Blandy Experimental Farm and Abrams Creek Wetlands Preserve.
• Rusty Blackbirds begin their Northerly migration this month check
• March is the peak month for watching migrating waterfowl at Lake Frederick and Abrams Creek Wetlands Preserve.
• Take time to prepare and install boxes for cavity-nesting birds.
• Begin to monitor all nest boxes towards the end of the month.
• On warm nights listen for the early Spring Peepers coming out to serenade you.
• Woodchucks emerge from hibernation.
• Male skunks wander widely, searching for mates.
• Red Maple, Red Bud, Dogwood and Cherry Trees begin to bloom towards the end of the month.
• Roadside 'weeds' (e.g. Speedwell, Purple Deadnettle, and Storks bill) bloom before most native wildflowers.
• Inspect trees for Gypsy Moths and Bag Worms on hardwood and conifer trees. Remove any that you may find.